link problem with dynamic libs with psml/xml90
compilation of last master branch with Intel 18 + OpenMPI 3
../configure --prefix=/usr/local/fallbacks/intel/18.0/openmpi \
--with-linalg-libs="-L/usr/local/OpenBLAS-0.2.20_ifort18/lib -lopenblas” \
--disable-bigdft --disable-yaml CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx FC=mpif90
link resolution problem with some binairies : cut3d, conducti,... :
/usr/local/fallbacks/intel/18.0/openmpi/libpsml/1.1.7/lib/ undefined reference to 'psml_die_'
the symbol is defined in "57_iopsp_parser/lib57_iopsp_parser.a" :
(bb) [buildbot@atlas 57_iopsp_parser]$ nm lib57_iopsp_parser.a | grep psml_die
0000000000003640 T psml_die_
if I remove, manually, all *.so in the "fallbacks" folder of libpsml :
it works...